
crooked teeth.. Braces... BEAUTIFUL! :D

All my life I've kind of been not self conscious.. but maybe very "self-aware" of my teeth. I mean, they're just big, hahaha, kind of obvious. I have big teeth. However with them being slightly crooked and whatnot they just didn't do much to "enhance" my face and appearance, and I really wanted to change that.

Here's me in 2007 or 2008 probably.. awkward.

weird expression I know, :P But it's a good one to see how my teeth used to look.

morning before braces! :O
 So around December of 2009, I asked my parents If I could get braces, and in January of 2010 they booked my first appointment for February. I got spacers at that appointment, and surprisingly, that was the most PAINFUL part of the whole experience. But on March.17/2010.. I think it was the 17th.. or maybe the 18th.. or 19th. Anyways, that was the day I went in and got my braces on! It felt a little weird at first because when I talked It wasn't as easy to get my lips back over my teeth, but as the months went on it was all fine and I got completely used to it.

First day of braces.
Weirdly enough, I didn't have to use wax after the first couple days until the final couple months over a year later. All of a sudden my braces were cutting into my bottom gums SO bad. Every time I chewed, talked, or even smiled, It would gash open the deep cut in my gums and cause them to bleed like crazy. Yeah, not fun when you're in the middle of a conversation. The worst part about that though was brushing my teeth would bring me to tears because the coldness of the toothpaste and the rough toothbrush would hurt soo badly against those cut gums.

I also had to use elastics a lot of the time. I'm not sure the exact time, but probably about 5 months in I had to wear elastics. At first they weren't that bad. I had to wear them from my front top jaw to my back lower jaw. However for the last 4ish months I had to wear triangles right in the front... which really sucked because they were super noticable, and they made it hard to eat!
Here's the front to back elastics. They weren't so bad.
Here's the triangle elastics. Aren't they awful?! loool

Other things I remember is having little springs which I got pretty early on. Hahahah something kind of stupid I did was I would take bobby pins, and attach them to the very front top wire in between the two brackets and it would just hang there. LOL I wish I took a picture of it! Thankfully, I never damaged any part of my braces though, which I definitely thought I would do at some point.

Finally after 15 months that went by surprisingly quickly, I was able to get my braces off on June 17th 2011. My last day of school too, so nobody even has seen them yet except for the few people from exams! It hurt when she clipped them off, I didn't realize what she was doing when she clipped them, but when she stopped for a sec, I felt my teeth and there was NOTHING THERE! She scraped off all the glue, let me brush, then glued in the retainers and I was good to go! :) It took about an hour and a half though.. long time but worth it. Some people say It only feels cool the first time you lick your teeth after your braces come off, but for me, I was in shock that whole week! lol, they were SO smooth and lovely.

lat day of braces!


haha, this is always an exciting moment when you don't need to grab a knife when you want an apple.

 And that's pretty much a wrap. I hope everyone knows that I am EXTREMELY thankful to have been given the opportunity to get braces. I know they're expensive and not a lot of people are able to get them. I feel very privileged to have had them and feel very blessed. Thanks again parents :D ♥



Okay, first I just have to say that those two little words are such a pain in the buuuuuuutttt to spell. Tie-die, tye-dye, tye-die... really? I got this idea that I NEEDED to try tie-dyeing at around the end of May when I made a little summer to-do list. So for the past two and a half weeks I've been telling my parents I have to get a kit!.. and so me and pops searched seriously, all over town and no kits ANYWHERE. Have I mentioned my town is a bit of a fail? So finally on Sunday.. yesterday, me and my mom drove to the next town over and we got lots of fun shtuf :D


Sooo. I set everything up and figured it couldn't be that hard. I mean, I'm a fairly artistic person.. and I was pretty confident I had this project in the bag. So I set up all the stuff. It even came with this big tarp thing which I didn't understand why it was so big. I figured I'd use a quarter of it, MAYBE.

 Well I was out on the deck in the hotness for a couple hours getting all 3 of my white shirts done, as well as 2 pairs of socks. To be honest, I thought it was going to turn out to be a COMPLETE fail. All the colours were smushed together and it looked like a big, black, wet, icky situation. But I wrapped them up anyway and then I came back to the deck and saw this...

          Yeah, I said my famous line when I saw it too.. "oh my goodness".
lol it was scary! But thankfully it was a pretty easy cleanup. Considering almost all the dye stayed on the tarp, all I had to do was roll it up and put it in a bag. But then there was still some dye on the deck, and I had one of those 'uh oh' moments, what if it doesn't come off? But it did :)

 And then I came inside and spent
half an hour trying to deal with this.

Yeah, stupid dye got ALL over me! So I got most of the purple and pink off, but now I look like an avatar. I guess I'll have some explaining to do at guitar tomorrow.. so uh, tip: wear gloves that don't get holes in them, and when you think "it'll come off, no biggie", remember you're wrong.

AND FINALLY! at 11:30 tonight I decided to rinse them out, and you know what? They looked AWESOME. Way better than I expected. hahaha, I think this activity is pretty much fool proof. So if you're debating whether or not to do it, DO IT! because it's super fun to do on a nice day and you get some stinkin sweet shirts out of it.  You'll be obsessed just like me and want to tie-dye everything :)